
and similiar

Software FROM

19.90€ per month

Our process

ZPOS offers its clients professionals with more than 15 years’ experience in implementing processes in restaurants and the like. Hardware and software solutions for restaurants, hotels, retail and nightclubs. Consulting and implementation of digital strategies for restaurants. Digital menus, websites and social networks.

ZSREST's main advantages

Zonesoft Zpos - Icon Vantagens

Glovo and Uber Eats direct POS integration

A single product and price management Backoffice and integration with Glovo and Uber Eats increases productivity by eliminating invoicing errors, avoiding the dispersion of information across several devices, eliminating the need to maintain other software and reducing operating, control and order management time by 90%.

Zonesoft Zpos - Icon Vantagens

ZS BMS: Backoffice with online management

ZS BMS is an online portal that allows remote management of all products, stock, sales, purchasing and supplier information, and real-time monitoring of the business with graphs, maps and reports.

Zonesoft Zpos - Icon Vantagens

ZS Cloud: security and mobility

The information generated by the points of sale is synchronized in real time, stored in the cloud, at no extra cost, so that you always have all your information available and secure.

Zonesoft Zpos - Icon Vantagens

Freebee® are discounts here, there and everywhere

Loyalty platform integrated into Zone Soft software. It allows customers to gain advantages at a wide range of points of sale and make your business the target of thousands of people's attention.

Zonesoft Zpos - Icon Vantagens

ZS Rest APP: speed, convenience and efficiency

Digital menu + Order registration + Account presentation + Questionnaire. It's a new service fully integrated into the ZS REST software. Present all your products on an android tablet and provide a faster and more efficient service.

Zonesoft Zpos - Icon Vantagens

Tax Authority, real-time connection

If the invoice is already with the customer, why not also with the TA? Software certified by the TA, with the option of communicating invoices in real time.

Zonesoft Zpos - Icon Vantagens

Mobile Payments, new means of payment

Native integration of the MB WAY service and the MEO Wallet and SEQR Wallet virtual wallets in Zone Soft software, so that you can offer the most innovative means of payment.

Zonesoft Zpos - Icon Vantagens

Gadgets: connect all your devices

Connection to scales, PDAs, TPAs, kitchen monitors, advertising monitors, tablets and smartphones.

Book a full demonstration for your business now

Integrated system with various management and business support services

Zonesoft Zpos - Restauração

Fully customizable point of sale

Only use the functions that your business needs.

Personalized work environment with functions, graphics, buttons, colors and images in the front office of the point of sale – fully customizable to the needs of your business.

In addition to everyday functions such as:

Book a full demonstration for your business now

Online management and control back office

Online management and control back office

The ZS BMS platform, interconnected with all Zone Soft software solutions, allows you to manage your business remotely and issue SAFTs in an uncomplicated way.

If you prefer, you can also access all the information via the iOS and Android APPs.

We are constantly innovating to develop the tools needed to free you up for what is most important: focusing on your business.

Zonesoft Zpos - Restauração

Complete control and management, at your disposal with simple Internet access

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ZS BMS Mobile

With internet access, you can control and streamline your business from your smartphone or tablet (Android or iOS).

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Use of Zone Soft software functionalities from the ZS BMS portal and direct synchronization to points of sale, in real time, with an internet connection.

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Centralized Access

All businesses using Zone Soft software - ZS REST, ZS POS and ZS POS MOBILE - will have single access.

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Monitoring and management of all business online, with presentation of graphs, analysis maps and reports, with export to PDF and Excel.

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Issuing SAFTs and accounting statements.

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Transport documents

Issuing transport documents, delivery notes, transport notes and global transport notes, with real-time communication to the Tax Authority.

Control your business on your cell phone in real time wherever you are Control, sales, stocks and much more in real time.

Zonesoft Zpos - Restauração

ZS Monitor kitchen management monitors

Manage your kitchen with a single glance.

ZS monitor is the application that allows you to have total control over kitchen orders, thus increasing visibility, hygiene and organization while keeping the focus on the main thing, delivering the order.

Kitchen monitors that allow you to:

Interactive products with the customer

Interactivity at the table

Increase interactivity with your customers by providing them with innovative and more convenient, repeatable experiences. Enabling:

Zonesoft Zpos - Restauração

Present all your products on an android tablet, and provide faster, more efficient service

Management efficiency and customer service

Example of ZSREST implementation in a restaurant space


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ZSRest Pro Version

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ZSRest App + Digital Menu

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ZS monitor

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ZS bms

Web Backoffice access from anywhere via the Internet

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ZSRest App

Web Backoffice access, sales control on your phone

Zonesoft Zpos - Planta Stout

Bring technology to your business

A product and a team dedicated to your business

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ZS Rest Basic

1 job

Ideal for cafés and similar

Only 19.90€ /MONTH

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ZS Rest Lite

2 jobs

2 Production Centers + 2 Zones

only 29.90€ /month

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ZSRest Pro Plus

Unlimited posts

All products unlimited

Only 49.90€ /month